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    Tradecorp - Italia & Sud-Est Europa

    » Uncategorized » The Irish company OGT, specialist in harvesting and processing of seaweed, becomes part of Tradecorp

    The Irish company OGT, specialist in harvesting and processing of seaweed, becomes part of Tradecorp

    The acquisition will give Tradecorp preferential access to top quality raw material which will strengthen and increase Tradecorp’s biostimulants range.

    Both companies are reinforced with this acquisition, since OGT (Oilean Glas Teo) will also have the support and strength of Tradecorp, belonging to a strong international group with a well-established worldwide commercial structure and a wide and complete product portfolio.

    This integration initiates a new stage for both companies that are working on the synergies of Tradecorp’s experience on the agricultural sector and OGT’s experience in biostimulants and the amenities market.

    About OGT

    Oilean Glas Teo (OGT) is an Irish company founded in 2004, specialized in the harvesting and processing of seaweed. It was selected as one of the 8 companies to compete in the final at Ernst & Young Entrepeneur of the year 2009, under the category of “Emerging companies to watch out for in the future”.

    OGT is located in Kilcar, on the West Coast of Ireland. It has exclusive access to the resources, allowing theharvesting and processing of fresh seaweed.

    Its product range is based on AlgaeGreen, a seaweed extract based on Ascophyllum nodosum. The raw material is extracted through an exclusive cold process that keeps the bioactive molecules naturally present in the seaweed and as intact as possible.

    OGT has great expertise in the amenities market, especially in the golf industry and football fields.